Clinical Advisory Program Committee
The PCSS-MAUD Clinical Advisory Program Committee contributes to the development and review process of the program curriculum, as well as the educational content and offerings. The Committee is comprised of inter-disciplinary professionals from across the country, representing a diversity of healthcare, professional, and academic settings.
Melissa B. Weimer, DO, MCR, DFASAM
Yale School of Medicine
Randy Brown, MD, PhD, DFASAM
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Susan Garrett, MPH
National Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network Coordinating Office
Christine Harsell, DNP, ANP-C
Spectra Health
Stephen Holt, MD, MS, FACP, FASAM
Yale School of Medicine
Alyssa Falleni, PharmD, RPH
VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Daren Ford, LCSW
Counseling Services of Portland
Katrina Mark, MD, FACOG, FASAM
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Brenda Ross Swilley, PhD, RN, COHN-S
National Black Nurses Association
Kevin Sevarino, MD, PhD
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
Reuben Strayer, MD
American College of Emergency Physicians
Kamilla Venner, PhD
University of New Mexico
Dale Walaszek, PA-C
Central Peninsula Hospital
Aaron Williams, MA
National Council for Mental Wellbeing