Mortality due to alcohol-related liver disease (ALD) has risen steadily over the past 2 decades, including a sharp increase during the COVID-19 pandemic (CDC, 2024). In 2022, of the 98,457 liver disease deaths among people ages 12 and older, 46% involved alcohol (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism, 2024). Despite alcohol’s role in liver disease deaths, medication treatments for alcohol use disorder (MAUD) are rarely used in this patient population, due in part to stigma, limited data on effectiveness and concerns about safety and hepatotoxicity. There is an immense opportunity to increase use of MAUD for patients with or at risk of liver disease, in order to tackle co-occurring health needs and prevent further complications or even death.
Join this webinar to learn more about why and how MAUD can be useful when working with these patients. Hear from two hepatologists who have successfully incorporated MAUD into their respective practices, and how they are leveraging these medications to protect liver health.
This webinar is hosted by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. National Council is a PCSS-MAUD partner.